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Angelfist  (1993)
Angel Fist
Fatal Angel
Tagline(s):If Looks Could Kill, They Wouldn't Need To Kick.
Nomination Year: 1996
SYNOPSIS: A kickboxer catches an assassination on tape, and is murdered. Her sister, an LA police officer, comes to Manila to attempt to bring justice to those responsible. She goes undercover as (what else?) a kickboxer, and enters the kickboxing tournament that her sister would have entered.

While there is a film called Lingerie Kickboxer, this isn't it. It just seemed like it. This one is actually a gender-bent remake of 1989's Bloodfist.
Kevin Hogan
Smithee Award Nominations
"Let's Up The Rating To 'R'"
"It Was No Fair, Boss, She Distracted Us!"

They ambush Kat and Alcatraz in her hotel room. Of COURSE she's just getting out of the shower. What happens next? Topless titboxing! Er, I mean KICKboxing!

Director Claim to Fame
Cirio H. Santiago Sometimes credited as "Luis Nepomuceno," the Philippino Cirio is a Smithee goldmine, favoring lurid and super-cheesy war/action, martial-arts, and tough-women-in-trouble jungle/prison flicks. 
Actor Character Claim to Fame
Catya Sassoon Katara/Kat Lang Daughter of super-famous hair stylist Vidal Sassoon. Parlayed Daddy's fame into film roles such as Feather in Tuff Turf, Jodie in Dance with Death, and parts in a couple of the abysmal Bloodfist sequels. 
Melissa Moore Lorda Small-time scream queen who finds her way into Smithee films. 
Michael Shaner Alcatraz Had small parts in Lethal Weapon and The Two Jakes
Denise Buick Fighter #1 Tori in Full Contact and Claudia in Inside Out IV (no, not associated with the cutesy Pixar animated flicks). 
Jessica Roberts Fighter #2 Bette in Moonlight Serenade
Joseph Zucchero Victor Winslow Pops up from time to time in miniscule Smithee parts. Played Dr. Hiss in The Return of the Bionic Boy
Ken Metcalfe Ambassador Franklin Produced Missing in Action, cast Apocalypse Now...but as an actor? Bit parts in war/action flicks, mainly Smithee fare. 
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