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Don't Kill It  (2016)
(Foreign Titles)
Nomination Year: 2018

Another Smithee Movie with Dolph in. A hunter gets possessed when his dog finds a golden jar in the woods and breaks the seal. He kills his family then goes to the neighbors’ and kills them. The demon jumps from person to person. Slaughter ensues.

Meanwhile, Jebediah Woodley (Lundgren) has been hunting demons for years, especially this one. He offers his help to the local authorities, who at first reject him until they come to believe. Then it's cat-and-mouse with the demon, until it turns out the lady FBI agent is from a special angelic bloodline that will allow demons to flood the Earth if she's possessed. Uhoh.

Basically a Bad Movie rehash of the good movie Fallen.

Bryan Cassidy
Smithee Award Nominations
Most Ludicrous Premise
Woodley’s Tale
Woodley discusses his backstory over ribs. And tells the premise of the body-hopping demon. Don't kill it!
"Alas, Poor Yorick"
Here, Have a Grenade
A survivalist kills the possessed FBI chief, becoming possessed himself. He casually unclips a grenade from his bandolier and hands it to his buddy in passing. The buddy looks at it puzzled. Then blows up.
What’s Your Poison?
The level in the poison glass is so clearly less as he walks into the next room. It’s even a different, milky green color. Not to mention the glass switches hands and a shotgun magically appears in the other.
Director Claim to Fame
Mike Mendez Helmed Big Ass Spider! and Don't Kill It
Actor Character Claim to Fame
Dolph Lundgren Jebediah Woodley Bulgy-bicep action star, supposedly brainy as well as brawny. His Masters in Chemical Engineering sure doesn't show on-screen. 
Kristina Klebe Agent Evelyn Pierce German actress who does bit parts on TV and in 2007's Halloween
Tony Bentley Chief Dunham Seems to get cast as cops, judges, and the like; had three bit parts on "American Horror Story." 
James Chalke Pastor Erikson Dr. Albatross in Losin' It
Miles Doleac Deacon Shepard Captain Scott on "Containment." 
Aaron McPherson Emmett Trot S[i]mic on "Longmire" and associate producer of A Million Ways To Die in the West
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