Skyscraper  (1997)
Nomination Year: 2004
SYNOPSIS: Anna Nicole Smith is a helicopter pilot who discovers that one of the buildings she is making a delivery to has been taken hostage by terrorists. Similar to Die Hard, but with two very big differences.
Kevin Hogan
Smithee Award Nominations
Smithee Award Winner! "Cutting Butter With A Chainsaw"
The Sting of Rejection
Anna stabs him with a letter opener, shoots him with his own gun, and shoots him a second time, so he falls out the window, down several stories, and onto a police car.
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"Let's Up The Rating To 'R'"
Five Takes and Her Feet Still Aren't Wet
Anna Nicole Smith in the shower. Is it too early for a Twin Towers joke?
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Smithee Award Winner!MegaMetaSmithee Award Winner! Worst Acting
Anna Nicole Smith, Believer in Puppies
Excuse me for still believing in Sunday walks in the park and [glance at cue cards] women who can't out-act their breasts.
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Director Claim to Fame
Raymond Martino  
Actor Character Claim to Fame
Anna Nicole Smith <Not Yet in Database> Buxom Playboy Playmate of the Year 1993. Often credited under her maiden name, Anna Nicole. 
Richard Steinmetz <Not Yet in Database>  
Calvin Levels <Not Yet in Database>  
Deron McBee <Not Yet in Database> McBee was an "American Gladiator" under the name of "Malibu." He was the monster in Monster Mash: The Movie and played henchmen in the Batman movie franchise of the '90s. 
Christopher Boyer <Not Yet in Database>  
Jonathan Fuller <Not Yet in Database> The "freak" of Castle Freak and the titular Arcade
Lee de Broux <Not Yet in Database> Prolific actor in lots, including Robocop, Chinatown, and Above the Law. And a lot of Bad Movies. 
Aaron Au Police Sniper Was a ninja of The Hand in Elektra and a Tooth Fairy in The Tooth Fairy, the scary one. No, the OTHER scary one, without Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. 
Vincent DePalma Johnny Hill Didn't do much, but what he did was...Bad. 
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