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The Crawling Eye  (1958)
Creature from Another World
The Creeping Eye
The Flying Eye
Trollenberg Horror
The Trollenberg Terror
Tagline(s):It's looking for you!
 WARNING: If you've ever been hypnotized, do not come alone!
 A man dissolves...and out of the oozing mist comes the hungry eye, slave to the demon brain!
 The nightmare terror of the slithering eye that unleashed agonizing horror on a screaming world!
Nomination Year: 2004
SYNOPSIS: A bunch of people get mysteriously decaptiated on the side of a Swiss mountain. It turns out the mysterious cloud formation hides a giant alien eye, complete with tentacles that can pop a man's head off like a kid with a daisy. Now the scientists and civilians in the mountainside laboratory are under siege by the creature! Will they survive? Will YOU?
Bryan Cassidy
Smithee Award Nominations
They Could Use Another Pair of Eyes
They know that the psychic girl is sensitive to the influence of the aliens. They even told people to watch over her. But she simply slips into a room full of people (including Forrest) and into the other room. Soon, there's a crash and a scream. The aliens are breaking down the walls! Forrest rushes in and, right near the door is this gaping whole with an eye-octopus pushing through it. But does Forrest see it? No. Does he even see the *hole*? No. It gets the drop on him. Doubl-o-blivious.
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Worst Special Effect
Phil's Left Hanging Around
Probably my favorite scene in the film. They're holed up in the mountaintop lab, but they have a few Molotov cocktails. Forrest has had some success burning one of the eyes with them. Now Phil wants to try! He goes outside (dumb!) and tosses one off. Then, unlike Forrest, he lingers, laughing, to watch his handiwork (dumber!). He doesn't notice the tentacles dropping on him from above (dumbest!) until it is too late. Then, as he struggles and calls for help...he *turns into a toy* as we see a wider shot of the creature with the "man" in his grip, atop a model lab. Then the shot turns into Phil dangling from some fake tentacles in front of a screen, with a picture of the creature behind him. But they end up saving him. Lord knows why.
Stupidest-Looking Monster
Things Are Looking Up
The aliens rush up the mountain for a last-ditch attack on the humans holed up in the lab! Good shot of them.
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Worst Cover Copy
Look at Those Cover-Girl Eyes
Here's a good contender for Worst Cover Copy. Among the most egregious offenses:
1) The monster on the cover looks *nothing* like the actual creatures in the film (except for the presense of a central eye), and I don't recall one ever grabbing the girl;
2) All the stills are colorized--the movie is in black-and-white;
3) The photo on the back, which looks like a still from the movie--never happened. It's a composite of several things that occurred. They just didn't care.
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Inane Dialogue
Well, It Ain't Verizon Wireless™
There has been no word from the two climbers in the hut on the mountain since that alarming phone call the night before, where the fat guy's words were cut off in mid-sentence. So naturally, they mount an expedition to see what happened. When they get to the cabin, they find a decapitated body inside and phone lines dangling uselessly from the roof outside. There's some time to reflect on this evidence, then the German scientist astutely observes: "Zis is vhy ze telephone went dead."
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Director Claim to Fame
Quentin Lawrence  
Actor Character Claim to Fame
Forrest Tucker <Not Yet in Database>  
Laurence Payne <Not Yet in Database> Lost the sight in one eye due to a sword-fighting accident 
Jennifer Jayne <Not Yet in Database> was also in the "classic" Dr. Terror's House of Horrors 
Janet Munro <Not Yet in Database> was in several classic live-action Disney films, including Swiss Family Robinson, and Darby O'Gill and the Little People 
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