Gold of the Amazon Women  (1979)
(Foreign Titles)
Nomination Year: 2006
SYNOPSIS: A fortune hunter needs to find the lost cities of gold before a corrupt drug dealer. Along the way, he meets and befriends a tribe of amazon women.
Kevin Hogan
Smithee Award Nominations
Most Ludicrous Premise
Get the Gold before the Drug Dealer
They're walking down the streets of New York, discussing the plan to get to the gold before the drug dealer can. Unbeknownst to them, they are also being stalked by a pair of wily (barefoot) Amazonian women.
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Smithee Award Winner! Best One-Liner
"Did You Pack Your Bags Yourself, Sir?"
"I distinctly remember not having packed that snake."
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Director Claim to Fame
Mark L. Lester Helmed Firestarter, Commando, and Armed and Dangerous. What happened?? 
Actor Character Claim to Fame
Bo Svenson <Not Yet in Database> Big blond action bit-part player, like Marines; The Great Waldo Pepper and North Dallas Forty; was Big Swede in Here Come the Brides 
Anita Ekberg <Not Yet in Database>  
Donald Pleasence <Not Yet in Database> His bald pate shows up here and there in both Bad and Legitimate films and made-for-TV movies 
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