Ninja Queen Boxer  (1974)
(Foreign Titles)
Nomination Year: 2006
SYNOPSIS: The copy of this film that I found was on its way to total red death. This made it almost impossible to tell apart any characters who were not wearing blue, and thus very difficult to tell what was actually happening during the movie. However, I will give it a go.

There is a man who is attempting to fight a crime boss, and even convinces his workers to rally against him. There is a woman who is attempting to fight a crime boss. Their reasons are mysterious.
Kevin Hogan
Smithee Award Nominations
Smithee Award Winner!MegaMetaSmithee Award Winner!Ye UltraMegaMetaSmithee Award Winner! Worst Cover Copy
The Cover is a Pack of Lies
The plot description is flat-out wrong. Not only does the woman on the front never appear in the film, but nobody Caucasian does. There are no ninjas. No Queens. No boxers. Even the running time printed on the box is off by almost fifteen minutes....
Sorry, this cover has not yet been made available!
Director Claim to Fame
Florence Yu Fung Chi  
Actor Character Claim to Fame
Ling Chia <Not Yet in Database> Often went by "Judy Lee" when movies were released in the US. 
Kwan Yeung <Not Yet in Database>  
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