American Kickboxer 1 (1991)
American Kickboxer - Blood Fighter
American KickboxerAmerican Kickboxer - Blood Fighter
Nomination Year: 2009
SYNOPSIS: You've got to love it when they put a number after the first
movie in a series. Alas, it goes downhill from there. Kickboxing
champ BJ Quinn starts a fight at a party and kills a guy, and is
sent to jail thanks to the testimony of his arch-rival Jacques
Denard (and the fact that he's guilty). After serving a slap-on-the-wrist 10-month sentence, BJ is back on the street, but the
judge also bans him from kickboxing tournaments for five years.
First, he tries to train an up-and-coming young fighter to beat
Denard but, when that doesn't work, he finds a loophole to get
back in the ring and settle his grudge the old-fashioned way --
with kickboxing!
Greg Pearson